Further changes are coming down the line for a product-starved Irish housing market, including – from the very top, ongoing debate at Housing Commission level about inserting a right to housing into the Constitution – as well as delivering at greater scale a more diverse range of tenure types, from rentals and cost rental to social and affordable homes, as well as private homes to purchase.
Apartment offers for many types of buyers should ramp up once the Croí Cónaithe programme gets government supported units out of the ground, with numerous sites around the country now made viable thanks to a €144,000 ‘bung’ per unit, and with full planning in place for thousands for higher density units, many in tall buildings.
Meanwhile, back on the ground, more steady supply can also be expected as the country slowly turns to off-site construction, or so-called modern methods of construction (MMC) with a new representative body set up last year to promote the transition to more effective methods of rapid, assured and quality-controlled home delivery.